Informations de voyage et vidéo sur Villaviciosa

Informations de vacances, renseignements, photos et vidéo sur Villaviciosa

Commentaires sur Villaviciosa

Moyenne de toutes les appréciations - Basée sur 5 commentaires de voyageurs.



Biddy Casselden

Villaviciosa is a small town, with a relaxed atmosphere. Although it doesn't look that inviting at first, it was actually a good base, with good selection of food shops and a very nice cafe which had the most wonderful cakes. There was an outdoor exercise area, and good bird nature reserve. The nearby Rodilles beach was wonderful. Good links to Oviedo and Gijon.

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Commentaires sur Villaviciosa

Moyenne de toutes les appréciations - Basée sur 5 commentaires de voyageurs.

Soumis par:
16 août 2015
Ce commentaire est en anglais Ce commentaire est en anglais

Commentaire sur Villaviciosa

Villaviciosa is a small town, with a relaxed atmosphere. Although it doesn't look that inviting at first, it was actually a good base, with good selection of food shops and a very nice cafe which had the most wonderful cakes. There was an outdoor exercise area, and good bird nature reserve. The nearby Rodilles beach was wonderful. Good links to Oviedo and Gijon.

Commentaires sur Costa Verde

Rodilles beach was excellent, beautiful.
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Soumis par:
3 mars 2013
Ce commentaire est en anglais Ce commentaire est en anglais

Commentaire sur Villaviciosa

A delightful town, and lovely people in shops. A good market there once a week. Plenty of quaint shops and lovely places to eat and have coffee

Commentaires sur Costa Verde

Very unspoilt and uncrowded
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Soumis par:
3 mars 2013
Ce commentaire est en anglais Ce commentaire est en anglais

Commentaire sur Villaviciosa

Very quaint and very friendly people. Lovely coffee shops and quite good for shopping and it has a market every week. I think on Wednesday but forget the exact day.

Commentaires sur Costa Verde

It is a short drive to beach, but it is very unspoilt, but I like all this area anyway
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Soumis par:
3 mars 2013
Ce commentaire est en anglais Ce commentaire est en anglais

Commentaire sur Villaviciosa

A lovely bustling town with lots of shops and cafes to explore. Lots of architecture too and a nice square where there always seems to be something going on!

Commentaires sur Costa Verde

Superb - clean and beautiful
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Soumis par:
28 oct. 2012
Ce commentaire est en allemand Ce commentaire est en allemand

Commentaire sur Villaviciosa

Hat für Kinder wenig zu bieten.

Commentaires sur Costa Verde

Im Herbst toll, weil wenig los.
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